Belmar Records Department

The Records Bureau will process your request for reports during the hours of 8:00am-4:00PM, Monday- Friday.  NO reports will be processed via facsimile. Please call 732-681-1700, prompt 1.  We will be happy to assist and advise you on the status of your report, please provide the case or event number, time and location or the incident and parties involved.  

In some cases, you may be required to complete an OPRA (Open Public Records Request) form . This form is available in the printable forms and applications section or in person at the Borough Clerks Office. Please read the second page of the OPRA Request Form carefully, this page contains important information concerning your rights under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1) If the record(s) you requested is not currently available or is in storage, the Records Custodian will advise you within seven (7) business days when the record can be made available, or may grant or deny your request at that time.

If you are denied a request you have the right to appeal. Your options are explained on the second page of the OPRA Request Form. Refer to for more information.

Portions of the report you receive may be "redacted" (blanked out) by law. The information redacted is sensitive information concerning involved parties such as social security numbers, dates of birth, & in some cases driver's license numbers. ALL juvenile information (including names) will be redacted from reports as well.

NJTR-1 Accident Reports: Please allow 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS from the date of the crash. Note: If the crash report involves serious injuries, fatalities, or requires additional investigation the report will take longer to process. PLEASE NOTE: In some cases a Police Officer cannot or did not issue a motor vehicle summons as a result of a MV crash investigation. However, you may do so and may require your appearance in municipal court. (You are required to do so within 30 days from the date of the accident or incident. You may receive the NJTR1 report via mail, fax, or email. 

Please click on this link to access your accident report. 

ARREST(S): (DWI, Criminal etc,) Are available only through  an attorney you obtain through the "Discovery Process" This includes but not limited to investigation reports, statements, photos, lab reports, summonses or warrants, etc. (All charging documents, arrest reports and a persons own statement are considered "public records" under OPRA)