Belmar Police Detective Bureau
The Belmar Police Detective Bureau currently has 4 full time detectives. The unit conducts follow up investigations to more serious incidents that occur within the borough. Personnel assigned to this unit conduct victim, witness, and defendant interviews, collect and process evidence, and assist the state with the prosecution of the person(s) to be found responsible. The Detective Bureau investigates incidents including fraud and identity theft, drug offenses, and all juvenile offenses. The Bureau works closely with outside agencies and the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office with crimes that involve aggravated assault, cybercrimes, narcotics, and missing persons. In addition, the Detective Bureau also manages Megan’s Law registration, background investigations for Alcohol Beverage Control, firearms, and taxi license applicants, as well as liquor license transfers/enforcement.
The Detective Bureau can be reached at 732-681-3715.
Active Detective Bureau Officers:
Detective Captain Michael Campbell
Detective Sergeant John Mahoney
Detective Philip Bohrman
Detective Peter Speakman
To report a confidential crime tip please call 732-681-ATIP (2847)