7:00 PM
Borough of Belmar
Planning Board
2021 Meeting Dates
The 2021 Borough of Belmar Planning Board Meetings will be held as follows:
Regular Meeting Schedule - meetings will begin at 7:00 PM:
January 25th
February 8th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
August 16th
September 20th
October 18th
November 15th
December 13th
All meetings will be held at 601 Main Street except during the COVID-19 Pandemic where the meetings will be held via Zoom. Instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting will be posted at www.belmar.com and on the Borough’s Facebook page on the day of the meeting or can be obtained by sending an email to clerk@belmar.com.
Meetings are open to the public either in person or via zoom. Members of the public are permitted to participate in the hearings of matters before the Board personally, or represented by an attorney, and present any comments, and/or objections to the granting of relief sought. Any remote public meeting where sworn testimony is to be taken shall be done by both audio and video. All individuals giving sworn testimony in a remote public meeting shall also appear by video in addition to audio. Members of the public who wish to participate in public comment sessions of zoom meetings will click the “raise hand” button or dial *9 on their phones to raise their hand. They will then be permitted to speak one at a time. The public also has the option to send questions or comments to be read into the record to the Municipal Clerk/Board Secretary at clerk@belmar.com . It is recommended that Members of the public notify the Board Secretary in advance, via email or phone call of their intention to undertake cross- examination, introduce evidence and/or make public comments to ensure technological needs are accommodated and documents that will be referenced are available for review by all participants.
Meeting agendas are also posted at www.belmar.com under Meeting Agendas and Minutes and on the Borough’s Facebook page 48 hours prior to meeting date. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of NJAC 5:39-1.