Senior Morning Coffee
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Taylor Pavilion
500 Ocean Ave.
Mayor Mark Walsifer and the Borough Council are delighted to announce the return of Senior get togethers in Belmar. “We are going to begin our return to normal, slowly, cautiously and with a view of providing a safe social environment” Mayor Walsifer announced.
Get togethers will begin with a monthly “Coffee Morning” and a weekly board game/card day. Both events will take place at the Taylor Pavilion, on Ocean Avenue and all Belmar Seniors are welcome to attend.
Coffee mornings will begin at 10:30AM and end at Noon on the following dates:
***** The Coffee Morning scheduled for Wednesday November 17th has been cancelled, as we are having some issues with the heating at Taylor Pavilion.
Wednesday, January 19th
Wednesday, February 16th
Wednesday, March 16th
Wednesday, April 13th
Wednesday, May 11th
Game/Card Day will be every Monday, beginning at 12:30PM and ending at 2:30PM. Game/Card Day will also take place at the Taylor Pavilion. This weekly event will begin Monday, October 4, 2021, and continue until Monday, May 9, 2022.
Both activities will resume following a summer break in September 2022.
Interested parties are required to register on the first date of the event and in the interest of safety for all, must agree to comply with all necessary State guidelines.