Advertise with Belmar
Do you have a business in Belmar and would like to get your message out to the millions of people that visit us throughout the year!?Belmar now offers local (Belmar Only) businesses the opportunity to advertise on the Route 35 Sign in front of the Belmar Marina. |
SIGN STATS:1) Each digital add runs for 10 seconds at a time. (Longer than most digital billboards)2) Your ad will be seen over 21,000+ times a month.3) Reach over 500,000+ people a month!YEARLY PRICE OVERVIEW:JANUARY-APRIL: $150 PER MONTHMAY-SEPTEMBER: $300 PER MONTHOCTOBER-DECEMBER: $150 PER MONTHCLICK HERE to fill out the form and we will get back to you.Any questions please contact John Walsh at or call 732-681-3700 X240 |