Summer Rental Tenant Info
There’s so much to do in Belmar and we hope you have a great time here. You can bike, jog, rollerblade, jet ski, swim, sail, play beach volleyball, parasail, go eco-touring, kayak, surf, fly a kite, fish, boat, scuba dive, shop, walk the boards, enjoy our restaurants and much more. Or you can just sit back and catch some rays during the day and relax at night at one of our many special events, like the Friday night concerts at Pyano Plaza or the weekly movies-on-the beach.
There’s also some things you CAN’T DO in Belmar without breaking the law. The Belmar Police and Code Enforcement departments follow a “zero tolerance” policy in enforcing our ordinances that protect the quality of life for our residents. You will not get a first “warning,” you will get a ticket. Here are some of our rules.
Fines for the following Quality of Life offenses are $350 – $2,000 for each person involved.
NOISE – You can get a noise summons any time of the day or night if the noise you are making disrupts the peace of the neighborhood. This includes not only noise from parties and sound systems, but also talking loudly when you walk down a street at night or slamming taxi doors at 2 in the morning. Fireworks are illegal in NJ and fined in Belmar as a noise violation.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT, URINATING IN PUBLIC, DRINKING IN PUBLIC – Abusive language, aggressive behavior, public urination and consumption of alcohol anywhere other than on private property or in licensed establishments, will not be tolerated.
BEER PONG – Alcoholic games are not permitted in any location visible from the street or adjacent properties.
Fines for NJ State Fire Code violations are $500 – $5,000 for each person in the rental.
SMOKE DETECTORS — Do not disconnect smoke alarms; they must be in working order.
BARBEQUE GRILLS – Any portable propane cooking equipment, like fryers and BBQ grills, are not permitted within a building or on porches, balconies, decks, roofs or under any building overhang. They must be at least five feet from any exterior wall or door.
Fines for the following Property Maintenance offenses start at $150.
TRASH — Visit our DPW PAGE for all information pertaining to trash and recycling.
OVERCROWDING – Know your occupancy limits; each person in the rental will be fined if the occupancy exceeds the posted limit.
WADING POOLS – No pools are permitted in front or side yards.
INTERIOR FURNITURE – Couches, mattresses, refrigerators, etc. are NOT permitted outside.
SITTING ON ROOF – You can’t sit or sunbathe on a roof.
LAWN LITTER – Drive-by inspections are conducted every morning and summonses issued to those whose yards or porches contain cans, bottles, cups, cigarette butts and other litter.
LITTERING – Littering anywhere in town poses hazards to people, animals and our stormwater system. Cigarette butts are litter, so put your butt where it belongs.
A note on TAXIS – Only taxis licensed by Belmar can pull over when you hail. Unless you call them in advance, taxis and livery vans without Belmar licenses cannot pick you up. Do not enter a taxi that you have not called unless it is waiting at a designated taxi-stand or the driver has pulled over to the curb in response to your hail. You will be fined if you enter a taxi that is in the street or waiting in traffic.
An Animal House is a house that has had two or more proven quality of life violations. This designation can result in substantial fines for both the landlord and tenants. Many tenants may choose to rent a different property once they understand the potential consequences of renting a property that is the subject of an Animal House bond. The Animal House designation holds for 4 years, so even if you have just one violation, YOU MAY BE LIABLE FOR THE ANIMAL HOUSE RULES AND FINES BASED ON VIOLATIONS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS.
We hope you have a great time in Belmar, and make the most of our beaches, parks, lakes, marina, businesses and downtown – not our court!